Ever since I was a kid there was this constant drive in me to succeed. It would have never been possible without those around me. Especially my family, but also people who have graced my life with their presence. Thank you to my oldest brother Matt for telling me he thought I was good enough to succeed in Advertising, which is what I then went and majored in at college. To my brother Michael you are the funniest guy I know, you have a heart of gold, and I am so happy to call you and Matthew two of my best friends. Mom & Dad you are supportive, loving, sarcastic, good hearted, giving, passionate people. Dad have such a servants heart and even when people are not looking and you get no recognition for the random acts of kindness you keep doing them daily! Mom you are AMAZING! You taught me how to cook for the first time, how to be a young little lady that I have grown up to be, you are one of the most hospitable people out there. To my amazing grandfathers you were two strong men with gifts in all areas of life, anything you set out to do you did with dignity, grace, and always succeeded. To my grandmothers, you are bar none the most sassy women I have ever met, thank you I got it from you. Some may think it is a curse, I say it is a blessing! HAH! As for my Richmonders, you are some crazy SOB's, and you are constantly there for me even though we are miles apart. Kelley, Betsy, & Sarah, you are the greatest girls and each have your own hand in my life in different areas, I know I can always count on you thank you. Kelley you always supported my photography passion, and even made that book for me which I still have to this day! Betsy you constantly amaze me with your timing of phone calls always calling me when somehow I am going through the roughest and most low points in my life. Sarah you are the big sister I never had. Abby Foster you have seen it all girl, you have been around through my lowest of lows. We have been through our own hardships, and somehow been able to share two completely different / difficult experiences, and help each other through it! Thank you Thank you Thank you for all of the late phone calls you have listened to me vent, cry, and supporting me no matter what. You are an amazing woman and I am so proud of where you are going keep it up girl! I can't wait to see you in August! There are so many more people I want to thank, but for some reason today I wanted to thank these specifics. You have loved me when I was unlovable, stuck by my side when I was being an asshole or sassy to no end! You have made me laugh, and many of you have held me when I cried. You have shown me what true friendship, and family mean. I would not be where I am today without all of your support, and guidance. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.