Mornings have become such a huge part of my life lately. I have an internal clock that Likes to wake me up around 7:30 to 8 a.m. At first I could not figure out why I was waking up this early, then I realized stop complaining, morning is one of the greatest times to self reflect, get situated, get motivated, catch up on what's happening at night. Although some mornings more difficult then others, by that I mean bad dreams, or unsolved emotions which drag on in late hours from the night before, or longings of familiar things. I am taking my new move and motivating myself to keep going to not let the thoughts of everyday ruin my chances of greatness. I am thankful to everyone, and everything that has been given to me throughout these past few months. Some people have effected me in ways they will never know, and in my morning hours I think of them, they motivate me, inspire me, yet at the end of the day I know this needs to come from within. I am seeing these changes happening rapidly, as I am on my own. Recently I have been spending my morning hours reading, I am reading 2 books right now. The first one is called "Lucifer's Flood" by Linda Rios Brook. The Second one is one I have read before called "Nicomachean Ethics" by Aristotle this book is about virtue and moral character. Aristotle wrote it for his son, and although sometimes it is hard to understand I like to do my research on why he thought these ways. Lately I have been drinking tea instead of coffee, orange juice instead of milk, eggs & yogurt instead of cereal, silence in the morning instead of music. These slight changes may not last long because in life change is inevitable. I am enjoying my time in Nashville, some mornings I wake up and wonder where am I. Feelings of loneliness set in occasionally, yet I brush them off, realizing in due time I will make way. Sometimes I think of days (certain ones) I hold them close to my heart, looking on them with the utmost love and respect. Without those days it would have never led me here. Morning time is a good time you should try it. Hell if you are ever in Nashville, come have a cup of tea enjoy my porch, read some books, listen to the bird mix tape that graces my window every morning, afternoon, and night. That is enough for now. I am headed back to my porch for some reading, I have a huge interview today at 12! Need to get prepared!
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